Porb | Orbital period | days | |
e | Orbital eccentricity | - | These numbers are inhomogeneous: see 2011MNRAS.414.1278P. If an upper limit is available then the eccentricity will be given as 0.0 with the upper limit as the upper errorbar. |
a | Orbital semimajor axis | AU | |
Teff | Effective temperature of the star | Kelvin | |
[Fe/H] | Metal abundance of the star | Logarithmic relative to the Sun | I adopt [M/H] where a specific [Fe/H] is not available |
M* | Mass of the star | Msun | |
R* | Radius of the star | Rsun | |
logg | Surface gravity of the star | logarithmic in c.g.s. units | |
ρ* | Density of the star | ρsun | |
Mp | Mass of the planet | Mjup | Set to 0.0 if only an upper limit is known. The upper limit is then given as the upper errorbar. |
Rp | Radius of the planet | Rjup | |
gp | Surface gravity of the planet | m/s2 | |
ρp | Density of the planet | ρjup | Set to 0.0 if only an upper limit to the mass of the planet is known. The upper limit is then given as the upper errorbar. |
Teq | Equilibrium temperature of the planet | Kelvin | These numbers are inhomogeneous as different albedo and heat redistribution parameters are used by different people |