0915 - 0930 | Welcome and notices |
0930 - 1000 | Dr Tony Lynas-Gray |
Historical overview
Evolutionary models and the UV-upturn |
1000 - 1045 | Dr Sukyoung Yi |
On the Origin of the UV Upturn in Elliptical Galaxies
1045 - 1115 | Coffee |
1115 - 1200 | Dr. Thomas M. Brown |
The UV Upturn: From M32 to Distant Clusters
1200 - 1245 | Dr Seok-Jin Yoon |
Horizontal-Branch Stars as Sources of the UV Upturn in Early-Type Galaxies
1245 - 1400 | Lunch |
1400 - 1445 | Dr Sabine Moehler |
Helium-rich EHB stars in globular clusters
1445 - 1530 | Dr Jorick Vink |
Mass loss predictions for EHB stars
1530 - 1600 | Tea |
1600 - 1645 | Dr. Donald Terndrup |
A Survey for Extreme Horizontal Branch Stars in the Galactic Bulge
1645 - 1730 | Mr Amir Ahmad |
The evolution of helium-rich subdwarf B stars
Poster presentations |
1730 - 1740 | Dr Sukyoung Yi |
The Y2 Isochrones and Stellar Evolution Tracks
1740 - 1750 | Dr Roy Østensen |
The Subdwarf Database
Binary EHB stars |
0915 - 1000 | Dr. Elizabeth Green |
Companions of Post-Common Envelope sdB Binaries
1000 - 1045 | Dr Philipp Podsiadklowski |
The progenitors of sdB binaries: confronting theory with observations.
1045 - 1115 | Coffee |
1115 - 1200 | Dr. Thomas Rauch |
AA Dor: An eclipsing sdOB - brown dwarf binary
1200 - 1245 | Mr Christian Karl |
HS2233+3927: a new sdB binary with a large reflection effect
1245 - 1400 | Lunch | |
1400 - 1445 | Dr Luisa Morales-Rueda |
The orbital period distribution of sdB binaries
1445 - 1530 | Dr Pierre Maxted |
Companions to binary EHB stars - degenerate or non-degenerate?
1530 - 1600 | Tea |
1600 - 1645 | Dr Ralf Napiwotzki |
Close binary EHB stars from SPY
Poster presentations |
1645 - 1655 | Dr Mike Reed |
Detecting main sequence companions to subdwarf B stars using 2MASS
1655 - 1705 | Ms. Michele Stark |
Single and Composite Hot Subdwarf Stars in the Light of 2MASS Photometry
1705 - 1715 | Dr Simon Jeffery |
Fundamental parameters for sdB stars with luminous companions
1715 - 1725 | Dr. Ulrich Heber |
Radial velocity curves of new radial velocity variable sdB stars
1725 - 1735 | Dr. Richard Wade |
Are all hot subdwarf stars in close binaries?
Atmospheric properties of sdB stars |
0915 - 1000 | Dr. Ulrich Heber |
Atmospheric models, parameters and abundandances of sdB stars
1000 - 1045 | Mr Thorsten Lisker |
Spectral analysis of sdB stars from the ESO Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey
1045 - 1115 | Coffee |
1115 - 1200 | Dr Pierre Chayer |
FUSE Observations of EC14026 stars
Poster presentations |
1200 - 1210 | Dr. Allen Sweigart |
FUSE Observations of He-rich sdB Stars
1210 - 1220 | Mr Mathieu Fontaine |
FUSE Spectroscopy and Heavy Elements Abundances in Hot, Hydrogen-Rich B
1220 - 1230 | Mr Chris Winter |
Automatic classification of subdwarf spectra using a neural network
(Presented by Dr Jeffery)
1245 - 1400 | Lunch |
1400 - 1700 | Gladstone Pottery Museum Visit |
1845 - 1900 | Conference photograph |
1900 - 2100 | Conference Dinner |
(Old library, Keele Hall)
Asteroseismology I |
0915 - 1000 | Prof. Gilles Fontaine |
Progress in the Theory of Pulsating sdB Stars
1000 - 1045 | Dr. Steven Kawaler |
Pulsating sdB stars - a new approach to probing their interiors
1045 - 1115 | Coffee |
1115 - 1200 | Dr Stephane Charpinet |
Asteroseismic determination of sdB star fundamental parameters
1200 - 1245 | Dr Simon Jeffery |
Colour and velocity amplitudes in pulsating sdB stars.
1245 - 1400 | Lunch |
1400 - 1445 | Ms Raquel Oreiro |
Studies of pulsations on new sdBs
1445 - 1530 | Dr Jan-Erik Solheim |
The NOT pulsating sdB search program.
1530 - 1600 | Tea |
1600 - 1645 | Dr Mike Reed |
Mode stability and identification strategies in EC14026 stars
Poster presentations |
1645 - 1655 | Dr Simon O'Toole |
HST/STIS observations of sdBV stars: a test of diffusion and pulsation
1655 - 1705 | Mss. Cristina Rodriguez Lopez |
Photometric studies of He rich hot subdwarfs
1705 - 1715 | Dr. Elizabeth Green |
Report on the Photometric and Spectroscopic Monitoring Campaigns for the
Long-Period sdB Pulsator PG1627+017
1715 - 1725 | Mr Amir Ahmad |
Pulsation stability of helium-rich subdwarfs
1725 - 1735 | Mr Babulakshmanan Ramachandran |
Pulsation mode identification in sdBVs from colour variations
1735 - 1745 | Dr Roberto Silvotti |
Preliminary results of the multisite time-series campaign on PG1325+101